"Adrian Gor’s latest exhibit challenges masculine ideals through pastels and prints." by Thuy Anh Nguyen - The Charlatan January 28, 2025 https://charlatan.ca/adrian-gors-latest-exhibit-challenges-masculine-ideals-through-pastels-and-prints/
Artist Talk - J.W. Stellick Gallery
January 6 to February 2, 2025 | 6 janvier au 2 février 2025 “Retold Prototypes Without a Story” explores masculine identity through drawing and prints, reimagining historical and contemporary figures. Adrian Gor challenges traditional notions of masculinity using classical anatomy, medieval symbolism, and modern motifs like shopping carts and drones.
Vernissage: Thursday January 23, 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Artist talk: January 23, 5:00 to 5:45 pm
Galerie J.W. Stellick Gallery Byward Market | Marche By 35 rue George Street Ottawa ON K1N 8W5 artottawa.ca | @osa.galleries
“Artist Talk: "Performers in New Old Historical Landscapes," Adrian Gor (Aug-Sep 2021) – Art Talks at ARTSPLACE GALLERY (Annapolis Region Community Arts Council), Posted on February 13, 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zWq6X-OKpo
Artist Talk at Podcast din Absida
“Artist Talk at Podcast din Absida” with Maria Silvia Bilasevschi, September 20, 2023. In partnership with the Union of Romanian Writers, Iași branch (uniuneascriitorilorfilialaiasi.ro). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a-_PvW6-ys
Video Reportage-Tonitza Gallery
“Video Reportage: "TVR Iași - Adrian Gor: Exhibition at Tonitza Gallery, Iași, Romania,"” July 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWjSFvJqACQ
01. Live Radio Interview with Adina Suhan, Radio Iasi 20 iul. 2023. http://www.radioiasi.ro/emisiuni/diminetile-noastre/expozitia-prototipuri-repovestite-adrian-gor-in-direct-la-radio-iasi/
Shared by other online news outlets: https://www.ziar.com/news=15313510
02. Press Release. Retold Prototypes'. Adrian Gor Returns to Iași With A Landmark Exhibition ' (published in Romanian) Alecart Magazine, 16 IUNIE 2023. https://alecart.ro/prototipuri-repovestite-adrian-gor/
03. Video reportage. TVR Iasi July 22, 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWjSFvJqACQ&t=1s
Synopsis: “Adrian Gor, a Canadian artist with Romanian heritage, has returned to Iasi to showcase his recent works exploring the evolving concept of masculinity. Titled 'Retold Prototypes,' the exhibition was held at the Tonitza Gallery from July 20 to 30, 2023, located on Lapusneanu St. in Iasi, Romania.”
04. Video documentation by Gitman, Catalin, ©See More Art Channel. July 21, 2023 Tonitza Gallery, Iasi Romania https://youtu.be/YP49Qy8kXQs
05. Critical review. Gheorghian, Viviana. 'About the Realities of Man at the Border Between Illusion and Truth in Adrian Gor's Retold Prototypes,' (published in Romanian) Alecart Magazine, 1 AUGUST 2023. https://alecart.ro/la-granita-dintre-iluzie-si-adevar/?fbclid=IwAR3u36cu8gXnLO01lRHsI137Txna43FfL2JX9UFGJzkxLm0C5LWalwi-Qj0
06. Critical review. Lupu, Ioana-Bianca. In Search Of Masculine Identity: 'Re-Told Prototypes' By Adrian Gor. '(published in Romanian) Alecart Magazine, 23 IULIE 2023.
07. Art Interview. “Expoziția „Prototipuri repovestite”– Adrian Gor, 20 iulie
– 30 iulie 2023” (published in Romanian) BZI, July 19, 2023 https://www.bzi.ro/expozitia-prototipuri-repovestite-adrian-gor-20-iulie-30-iulie-2023-4763013
08. The official announcement of the exhibition 'Retold Prototypes,' held at Tonitza Gallery in Iasi, Romania, from July 20 to 30, 2023 by the Union of Visual Artists from Romania (U.A.P.R.) https://uap.ro/?p=36606
09. Critical Review. Popa, Andreea, "'Retold Prototypes' - a unique exhibition in Iasi on Lapusneanu Street" (published in Romanian), Ziarul de Iasi. 20.07.2023 https://www.ziaruldeiasi.ro/stiri/a-prototipuri-repovestitea-o-expozitie-inedita-la-iasi-pe-strada-lapusneanu--358398.html
Shared by other online news outlets: 1) https://ziare.com/ziare-iasi/stiri-actualitate/prototipuri-repovestite-o-expozitie-inedita-la-iasi-pe-strada-lapusneanu-8881993; 2) https://www.ziarelive.ro/stiri/expozitia-prototipuri-repovestite-adrian-gor-in-direct-la-radio-iasi.html; 3) https://stirimoldova24.ro/prototipuri-repovestite-o-expozitie-inedita-la-iasi-pe-strada-lapusneanu/
10. Press Release - Buluc, Magdalena Popa. "Shapes, shadows, and colors in the world of visual arts" (published in Romanian), Jurnalul.ro 20 Iul 2023 https://jurnalul.ro/cultura/forme-umbre-si-culori-in-lumea-artelor-vizuale-938063.html
11. Press Release - Ion, Liana. “O anuală de artă și știință și noi expoziții UAP, în Iași și Râmnicu Vâlcea“, www.curatorial.ro 20 Iulie 2023. https://curatorial.ro/arta/o-anuala-de-arta-si-stiinta-si-noi-expozitii-uap-in-iasi-si-ramnicu-valcea/
12. Press Release - Nasui, Cosmin. “EXPOZIȚIE ADRIAN GOR „PROTOTIPURI REPOVESTITE” @ GALERIA DE ARTĂ „N. TONITZA”, IAȘI. www.modernism.ro Jul 21, 2023https://www.modernism.ro/2023/07/21/expozitie-adrian-gor-prototipuri-repovestite-galeria-de-arta-n-tonitza-iasi/
13. Press Release - Union of Visual Artists from Romania, AGERPRES, the National News Agency of Romania. 2023 https://www.agerpres.ro/comunicate/2023/07/20/comunicat-de-presa-uniunea-artistilor-plastici-din-romania--1142484
Shared by other online news outlets: 1) https://www.jurnalul-bucurestiului.ro/noutati-din-lumea-artelor-platice-uap-uniunea-artistilor-platici-din-romania-partener-cultural-educational-al-jurnalului-bucurestiului-corespondenta-de-la-sebastian-craciun-expert-pr-al/
14. Press Release - Expoziția „Prototipuri repovestite”– Adrian Gor, 24:ORE, Cultura, 18 iulie 2023 18:27 https://24-ore.ro/2023/07/18/expozitia-prototipuri-repovestite-adrian-gor/
15. Press Release - “În perioada 20 – 23 iulie au loc noi evenimente vizuale recomandate de Uniunea Artiștilor Plastici din România” Radio Romania Cultural, Musica- Dans Arts, 20 Iulie 2023, 11:00https://www.radioromaniacultural.ro/sectiuni-articole/muzica-dans-arte/in-perioada-20-23-iulie-au-loc-noi-evenimente-vizuale-recomandate-de-uniunea-artistilor-plastici-din-romania-id38921.html
16. Article - Luchian, Petruta. "Philosophical wonder and visual wonder in the work of Adrian Gor." TIMPUL, Arte vizuale, Cultură. 30 iulie 2023 https://portal.revistatimpul.ro/blog-luchian-petruta-iulia/mirare-filosofica-si-mirare-vizuala-in-creatia-lui-adrian-gor/
17. Upcoming 45 min Art Talk. Podcast with Art Critic dr. Maria Bilașevschi , Uniunea Artistilor Plastici (UAPR). Recorded on July 28, 2023. Released date of the video to be announced in September 2023.
18. Upcoming 20 min Art Interview on Cult Top Show - a show on Radio România Cultural, produced since the year 2019 by Sebastian Crăciun, a program to which Romania's elites are invited. Recorded on July 25, 2023 Released date of the video to be announced in September 2023. www.asociatiaprovalores.ro
Video Documentation of ADRIAN GOR's work at the OSAO Gallery, CANADA January 10-February 12. 2022
The exhibition HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT at the Ottawa School of Art Orleans Gallery ( Shenkman Arts Center) January 10 to February 12, 2022
This exhibition invites the questioning of the imaginative and uncommonly revealing symbols and the responsibility in the way meanings have been given to them. Skeletons, trains, shopping carts, Greek and Roman statues, animals, and more, take a new and different relation to their shared core meanings in these works.
"For this exhibition, I am presenting egg-tempera paintings and relief prints that recall historical figures of cultural, political, and religious influence through critical narratives of the medieval devil in relation to symbols of consumerist and Western culture. However overt the symbols may be, the aesthetic of my compositions straddle between the boundaries of abstraction and figuration to render the meaning of the subject matter ambiguous. All this is accompanied by an ongoing theoretical and art historical research on the medieval icon with which I examine the relationship between form as meaning and ideology and colour as emotion in a work of art. This is necessary to allow for a deeper understanding of the past and present role of visual art in questioning or reinforcing cultural authority and its history." - Adrian Gor
For more details of the works displayed see: www.adriangor.com; artottawa.ca/hidden-in-plain-sight; and @osao.gallery on Instagram
Artist Talk - OSAO Gallery at the Shenkman Arts Center
“Artist Talk: "Hidden in Plain Sight, Artist Talk with Adrian Gor," January 24, 2022, Ottawa School of Art, Orleans Campus, OSAO Gallery at the Shenkman Arts Center. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09x5fNp2ZzA
Feature on Adrian Gor by Loren Lerner in Journal of Canadian Art History
- Lerner, Loren. “Rejection and Renewal: Art and Religion in Canada (1926-2010)” Journal of Canadian Art History, Vol. XXXIII:2 (2012): 21-53